Demystifying High Performing Teams

What makes a dream team?
Do successful teams come up with better outcomes because they like each other, or do they perform well together and thus they like each other?
According to psychologist Anita Woolley, it’s the latter.
This phenomenon is seen in many places, pick-up sports, or project teams. Teams are very complex adaptive systems. Understanding some of the dynamics in teams, can help us understand how high-performance teams work.
- Relationships are not linear. People might like each other outside of the work environment but may not want to work together. The reasons may vary from closeness with the other person to seniority, which may blur objectivity, etc. E.g: The doctor would never want to operate on their immediate kin members.
- From an outsider’s perspective, we only see the beginning and end in teamwork. However, there is a lot that happens in the middle of the project. People develop new skills, eliminate behaviors, and seek and gain respect from others. There are times when individuals have nothing in common except the goal at hand. They may not like each other at a personal level, but they respect the subject matter expertise they bring to the table.
Here is the link to the complete article.